JHersh and Social Media
Social media can be an inexpensive, even free way to advertise. Many people have some sort of social media account. Managed correctly, the broad opportunities available through social media can connect you with your select audience.
There are some simple practices that you can install to harness the effectiveness of a social media account. Consistency is top of our list. Posting something on social media, with a link to your website, on a regular basis, is extraordinarily powerful. It organically grows your search engine optimization (SEO). And it keeps you fresh in other people’s social media feeds, which makes you more visible.
Keeping your brand at the forefront is always ideal. When it comes to social media, it’s more about being present and getting noticed. Post something that causes people to pause for a moment. Better yet, post something that causes them to click on to your social media page or website. That’s a winner. If people get something out of what you post, they will likely follow you, or share you with others. Which, again, increases your visibility. A good thing.
Coming up with content and actually posting on every social media account, multiple times a week . . . ugh. Don’t we all have more important ways to spend our time? Yes, yes we do.
Hand the task over to JHersh. We offer social media packages, based on your needs and goals. Refreshing. Calibrating. Helping you expand your audience. Contact us today to find out more.