JHersh and Marketing Packages
A marketing package, or a marketing kit, is a template for your brand. A tool to help adhere to your look. Designing templates and consistently implementing these elements contribute to “building your brand”. Building a brand is essential. It enables your clientele to distinguish you from the clamoring competition.
It’s helpful to have a mission statement and logo designed before developing a marketing package. Through the course of defining your mission statement and seeing a finished logo we are able to better understand who you are. It’s important to clarify your objectives, identify your target audience, and recognize how you are distinctly qualified to serve your clientele. All of this information is the foundation for a meaningful marketing package.
Your logo is typically the catalyst for the way your marketing package is going to look. Using the same colors and fonts throughout. A marketing package should be uniquely yours, and cater to your specific needs. A kit may include guidelines and templates for social media posts, E-mails, newsletters, business cards . . . anything online or in print. You should be installing your marketing package everywhere that you can, in order to build your brand. Especially when communicating with your target audience.
Reach out to JHersh today to learn how your business could benefit from a tailor-made-marketing package.